2019-02-22 - Version 2.2
WordPress 5.1 compatibility update. Please, check https://flexithemes.com/wordpress-5-1-update/ for upgrading instructions!
2015-11-25 - Version 2.1
* Cleaned up the PHP notice messages
* Updated the Facebook widget to use the latest changes and features
* Removed the
meta tag from the header.php, since it is deprecated in WP 4.4 and it is recommended to use the add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
* PHP 7 compatiblity fixes
* Fixed slider not displaying in the full width page template
* Upgrading Instructions:
1. Re-upload all the files in the 'lib/widgets' folder from the new version to your current theme's 'lib/widgets' folder
2. Re-upload the following files from the new version to your current theme's folder
- lib/Themater.php
- lib/Admin.php
- lib/default-admin-options.php
- includes/featuredposts/featuredposts.php
- includes/featuredposts/template.php
- includes/social_profiles.php (if exists)
- includes/aboutus.php (if exists)
3. Edit your header.php and remove the meta tag: meta_title(); ?>
4. Re-upload page-template-full.php from the new version to your curren theme's folder
Or edit page-template-full.php and add the below code immediately after
hook("main_before"); $theme->hook("content_before"); ?>
5. Edit your style.css and update the version number with the new version number you are seeing for this update
2015-01-01 - Version 2.0
This is a major update that adds new features to the theme. The theme was completely re-built therefore it is incompatible with the previous version and cannot be upgraded.
* Added responsive design support
* Added support for WooCommerce Shopping Cart (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce/)
* Added support for various page templates: Sitemaap Page Template, Contact Form Page Template, Archives Page Template and Full Width Page Template
2010-10-29 - Version 1.0
* Initial theme release!