2019-02-22 - Version 1.3
WordPress 5.1 compatibility update. Please, check https://flexithemes.com/wordpress-5-1-update/ for upgrading instructions!
2015-11-25 - Version 1.2
* Cleaned up the PHP notice messages
* Updated the Facebook widget to use the latest changes and features
* Removed the
meta tag from the header.php, since it is deprecated in WP 4.4 and it is recommended to use the add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
* PHP 7 compatiblity fixes
* Fixed slider not displaying in the full width page template
* Upgrading Instructions:
1. Re-upload all the files in the 'lib/widgets' folder from the new version to your current theme's 'lib/widgets' folder
2. Re-upload the following files from the new version to your current theme's folder
- lib/Themater.php
- lib/Admin.php
- lib/default-admin-options.php
- includes/featuredposts/featuredposts.php
- includes/featuredposts/template.php
- includes/social_profiles.php (if exists)
- includes/aboutus.php (if exists)
3. Edit your header.php and remove the meta tag: meta_title(); ?>
4. Re-upload page-template-full.php from the new version to your curren theme's folder
Or edit page-template-full.php and add the below code immediately after
hook("main_before"); $theme->hook("content_before"); ?>
5. Edit your style.css and update the version number with the new version number you are seeing for this update
2015-01-01 - Version 1.1
As of Jan 01, 2015 this theme is mainined and supported by FlexiThemes.com. Only the theme meta data was updtaed therefore upgrading from the previous version is not required.
2014-11-11 - Version 1.0
* Initial theme release!